Saturday, May 5, 2007



Based on the results of April's Community Workshop, PlanPDX and the Vision Committee have created some goals for the neighborhood. These goals reflect our current understanding of the neighborhood's interests and priorities, but will be further refined by your comments and input.

The overarching goal is to "Create a Downtown" along Sandy Blvd. in Parkrose. We created three supporting goals to help turn Sandy Boulevard into a true neighborhood downtown that serves and supports the residents of Parkrose. These three goals, as well as the objectives underlying them, are provided below.

PlanPDX and the Vision Committee will jointly identify and research specific strategies, case studies and potential partners the neighborhood can use to achieve each goal.

Please comment - your input is essential...

"Creating a Downtown"
1) Strong Community
  • Vision Committee (representative, robust, active)
  • Communication (multi-media-informing and connecting)
  • Resources (assets - people, places, organizations)
2) Great Place to Be
  • Beautification (storefront improvement, streetscaping)
  • Safety (comfortable, family-friendly, policed)
  • Identity (unifying theme)
3) Vital Business District
  • Enhance existing (build upon what is here)
  • Encourage new (determine what is needed)
  • Create a Destination (become a place, not a pass-through)


Anonymous said...

On the area of communication. I feel we need to make sure we have good PR about Parkrose. I see the neighborhood association working their way to accomplish this and PBA doing similar work. We need to coordinate the PR with the same message and be consistent. I would suggest a member of the Vision Committee work with both associations and develop a coordinated, consistent message and actively pursue good PR.

On #3 business opportunity. I would like to see a section talking about the need for the city to ease up the design criteria, make the process and cost to get permits easier. If there is a designation of an economic redevelopment zone that can break down some red tape and costs, or provide financial incentives to redevelop the area, it would help stimulate growth of the business district.

Magpie Ima said...

**The overarching goal is to "Create a Downtown" along Sandy Blvd. in Parkrose. We created three supporting goals to help turn Sandy Boulevard into a true neighborhood downtown that serves and supports the residents of Parkrose.**

I just wanted to say--this is exactly what we need! Currently the area along Sandy from 102nd to 122nd has very little to offer local residents, Parkrose Hardware notwithstanding.

Regarding Bryan's comment about design criteria: while I have no interest in seeing an ugly streetscape along Sandy, well, it's pretty bad already. I wonder what the city expects of potential business owners in this area? I'd be interested in hearing more on that.

Anonymous said...

I do NOT want to see streetcars.

Street cars on Sandy would add to an already congested area.

Public transportation operated under the "honor system" will offer a free ride to druggies and prostitutes to do business in our area.

As a parent, I do not feel safe riding mass transit with my child or by myself. There is virtually no policing or security offered to riders.

The city could confiscate private property to accommodate these street cars.

Many businesses along Sandy Blvd. would be adversely affected during construction, taking large financial losses due to the inconvenience to customers.